
Adam Findlay
2 Watchers13 Deviations
Ive just been thinking about this. Socity as a whole is simply sinking deeper and deeper into a moral cess-pool to a point where we will have to divide the planet into 2 halves. Human progress has simply stopped. Technology is moving at a continually fast rate but only because it has a specific appeal to people such as myself who have a natural ability to understand it on pretty much every level. But Im talking about society in the form of human interaction. Rights, work, attitudes, alomst everything that defines us as human. Infact we have taken a step back. Ever since black rights came into force. I believe that to be the pinnance of human interaction. That showed a time where, at least for a small period it was possible for all humans, regardless of age or sex  to live by each others side as an equal. The law was simply something to keep people in line occasionally. These days, while racism is shunned in general, it is still just as present.

The same applies for womens rights. In years of old, women were viewed to be "behind their man" so to speak. When she was married all her assets were transferred to her husband who was then in charge of providing for the family. She also then recieved a tax reduction due to this. That to me sounds equally as fair as letting women go to work and help to provide for the family. The choice should really be on the part of the woman. However todays system pretty much expects women to do the hardest aspects of both. That is only however in law.

In general, I cant even begin to describe the complete cess pool that is known as "youth culture". Im personally 15. I have strong political, social, moral religous views. I do what I want (within reason), say what i think, wear what i want and if anyone has any issues with that then they can go screw themselves. However my "peers" (i dont like using that word as the particular individuals i mean who are vastly in the majority, I do not view as equals.) do not have that nobel outlook. "Whats the latest bangin' tunies out now?", "Ya like ma' new ADDIDAS tracksuit?". The emphasis in the latter statement being on addidas. I know i spelt and it wrong and it was deliberate. Companies such as addidas, nike, lacoste, etc,,, prey on sheep like these for their main income. They view material poscessions higher than anything else. So money = happiness. The sad thing is that while you, the level headed reader of this article, and me know that money dosen't make you happy, these people have reached such a social low that it actually does.

SO I conclude that society is almost beyond saving. So normally in a conclusion formula, i would place my blame on someone? Ah, well, this isn't my conclusion. No, this is simply a break. There are a vast number of reasons for this social low. However I believe that this is one of the most controvercial descisions I could ever make, but I have to place the blame not on a person, but a system. And my friend, the name of that system is capitalism.

Capitalism has been the catalyst. Humans will always have material desires. While this may not be the latest phone out. It could even be as simple as the last slice of pizza at a restraunt. However its no different. It is a physical thing that brings temporary pleasure but is not nescessary to survive. However I am not for a moment suggesting that we completely get rid of society as it stands today and move back in with the flinstones. All Im saying is that if you keep tracing back, the source of every problem in todays society goes back to material desires and thus capitalism. Without captialism, there would be no way for that desire to even exist as the desired item would never have been created.

SO whats the alternative? Become communist? No. Communism never works for long. Cuba showed that. Che Guevara gave his life trying to bring his country back to order by making it communist. and for a short time, it was better. Well.... until his pal Fidel Castro came along and screwed it all up with a hunger for power and luxury life.

Hang on... Luxury life? Thats a mterial poscession isn't it? Exactly.

This is the reason almost everyone in capitalist countries hates communism. They simply do not understand how it works. The US's biggest problem suring the cold war was that russias iteration of communism flew right in the face of the American dream.

Russias iteration was - at its best time - a situation where everyone had enough to eat, everyone had somewhere to live, 0% unemployment. This worked under the USSR for a lnog time. The problem became was 2 things.

1. The latter statment i said about 0% unemployment. Any economist knows thats a disaster for an economy. If you have no unemployment then no more jobs are created and inflation goes through the roof. Communism partly solves the problem internally within the country but that country still has to deal with the rest of the world so Communism then becomes a ticking time bomb to complete economical collapse.

2. Standard of living. People in russia found out about the american dream, and even though it wasen't true, the idea intrigued them and inspried them to rebel. Wait? Isn't that our good friend captialism and its buddy material desire at work again?

So there you have it, Capitalism runied the world. Its what started the world as it is today and it will be what destroys it also. So unless something drastic happens soon, the world is going to die. Whether it be global warming, nuclear disaster, it will be due to human desire for power and material posscession. Power is simply a tool to material posecssion. In the words of the spokeperson for OSR, "Wake up, and give a shit!"
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